Saturday, September 17, 2005

Coffee Snobs

I'm a coffee snob. Case in point:
If someone else made the coffee, it's probably not very good.
If it's in the orange handled carrafe, it's probably decaf and I'm not having it.
If I even think that someone may be re-using the old grounds...ouch, that hurts my brain!!
If there is a full pot of coffee left unattended I can assume it's old and throw it out and make fresh.
If you microwave coffee you're a freak. Go have tea.
I send Christmas and Valentine's cards to Juan Valdez and his donkey.
I like coffee in a mug. Not a cup.
Certain mugs have better tastes than others. (If it has a brown ring, even better...)
If you made me choose between coffee and chocolate my head would explode. That's like trying to choose between your kids.
I hate chocolate in my coffee. Wierd.

Know what happens when you leave a whole coffee bean in a cup of warm water and come back and check it in a few hours? You have a whole coffee bean in a cup of room temperature water.

The best kind of coffee is beans bought fresh, ground just before brewing with uncomfortably hot water, but never boiling, and is consumed within 10 minutes of brewing. That's what I know. You can't get coffee unless the process takes place.

The best kind of Christian is one who presents him/herself to God, whole, just as we are, and allows him/herself to be finely ground and washed over with the uncomfortably hot water of God's cleansing forgiveness. Only then do we produce the aroma and flavor we are meant to have. And only then are we pleasing to others. If we don't submit to God's process, we don't become the essence of what it is we were created to be. We are just whole beans floating around comfortably, missing the point, not fulfilling our purpose.

Where are you right now? Have you fought God's process? If so, submit to Him today, and see what He can do with a simple bean!!


Tarisa said...


I've said it a million times and I will continue to do would probably be 6'tall now (okay, maybe at least 5'6") if you hadn't been drinking coffee since you were weaned from the bottle. You would at least be the whopping 5'3" that I am. Personally, I blame Mickey D's for my shortness. There's got to be something in those cheeseburgers that stunts your growth. That's why I quit eating them. I'll be 6 feet tall in no time. :-D

Tarisa said...

Cari! It has been 12 WHOLE DAYS since you blogged. How on earth can I write witty comments to your oh so well thought out (seriously) blogs if you don't write them? So, snap to it. :-D