Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So close!

It almost happened. I look back at the split second where a silly mistake could have turned into humiliation infamy, and I smile. It was a near miss.

I am a lip balm addict and usually carry it around in my pocket, frequently pulling it out and slicking it on, and going about my day. I was very tired (as usual) today at work, and for whatever reason I switched the lip gloss in my right pocket with the little tiny permanent marker in my left. You can see it coming...I reached into my pocket and pulled off the cap, and moments before adding a permanent lip line, I caught myself.

It wouldn't have made my entire lips purple. I would have figured it out after one short "line", but still, to have to walk around with a small dark purple lip line or swollen red lips from trying to scrub off the mark, I would have been embarrassed either way!

In our sin lives we sometimes bear the dark marks of sin. Maybe just a small mark, but a mark all the same. What we do with that mark is even more important. Do we try to cover it up ourselves, leaving behind further evidence of the spot we bore, or do we take it up with the Father who cleanses the darkest, ugliest marks, making them invisible? I know what my first instinct is...try and hide it myself! But I usually just make it worse.

Today, make an effort to carry your problems to Jesus. The dark marks, the hint of filth, the sadness, the hurt and the shame, and let Him take care of it. And if you have already tried to remove it yourself...He takes care of those spots, too!


Tarisa said...

Hey Blog Slacker! Write a new blog already! :-P

Tami said...

In reference to a blog you might post once your finger can type some letters, I have to defend myself. yes, i made the comment that it was no fair you got to go to grandma and grandpa's after your wreck and get sympathy. hello, where was my symapthy after my wreck. you made the comment that at least I was in Colorado when mine happened. Hello! The roads were iced over, it was freezing the entire 2 hours I was standing out in the snow, it was night time and the mountains were not visible, and regardless of any of that, being in Colorado did not make my pain or the situation any better. I had the king of "Look at things from a legal standpoint" to escort me home and return to his TV room while I called insurance comanies and tried to figure out what all hurt. I was not at ease because now I had to worry about my mom getting herself and my daughter back from the mountains which were in even worse shape than the area I had just had my wreck in. So, having my wreck in Colorado did not make things better or ease my worries at all. I know, I know. Being at G-ma and G-pa's probably didn't do much either. My guess would be our wrecks are even regardless of comfort measures or locations. I hope you are feeling better.

Tarisa said...

I think you both needed a good dose of sympathy and pampering. No, I don't think you needed to wear a diaper. I do have to say this though. Tam, at least you didn't have someone telling you you can't sit with your legs crossed because you could get a blood clot. G-ma's are fun. :-D