Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catching you up....

What can I tell you about my first year of ADHD medication? A few things. I still feel like a sell out, and in truth, I'm not taking it because I believe it helps curb the negative symptoms of ADHD. I am taking a pill so others can feel better about me. I am also taking it because I have lost 31 lbs. since October. I am ready for cooler weather so I can start walking and see if I can get back to losing, cause I've stalled out. Finally, I'm taking it because my kids say there's a huge difference. Especially in trips to Wal-Mart.

The only way I know how to explain my difficulty shopping is this: if you go to the store for a certain product, you will return with that product, maybe an impulse item or two. Not me. I will go to the shampoo aisle, say, and instead of seeing an aisle with shampoo and grabbing the ONE I like and always use, I see one million individual bottles in all the colors and sizes, and I have to inspect each one to make my decision. Now, you compound that with everything else on my normal grocery list, you'll understand. Many times I'll go for one thing, spend $200 on impluse items, and get home without what I went for anyway.

I did notice when I went sans-pill to WalMart, it was a very long and frustrating trip. And I lost my car. Sighhhh.....

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