Monday, September 29, 2008

A Significant Distinction

I was watching The Early Show while getting ready for work this morning and Bill Maher was discussing his new movie, "Reliculous" with Harry Smith, about ridiculous religion. I agree that we have our ridiculous ideals about how things should be, and while our actions are wrong, our motives are basically right-to want the world to be saved. At one point, Harry Smith said something to the affect of wanting Christians to actually act like Christ, and just love people, and Bill Maher agreed.

I got to thinking. It would be perfect if we'd all pull our heads out of our by-laws and book of don'ts and began to get active in the world and show some love. But the stark reality is that many people, while they say they want love, want simply a blind eye.

My children, when they were small, would be so angry at me for stopping them from doing things that would hurt them. Oh, they would scream as if I had caused them physical pain with the word 'no'. They were impetuous, and couldn't understand my love for them.

Not to call the people of this world children, but how many would really change if we showed them true unconditional love?

Does this require me to be parental, helping to guide someone to The Truth? Yes, I believe it does. Does this allow me to be militant, and a keeper of the law, passing out judgment to all who would dare to break a rule, or even bend one? No, I think not. The thing is, I can never know for sure how the world will react to God's love thru me unless I'm willing to show it.

I believe that for the most part the world genuinely wants love. But I also believe that there are impetuous people who would define that love as turning a blind eye.

Live by example, love unconditionally, and remember I'm not responsible for the action or reaction of another. I have my marching orders.

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